Hot Topics Related to Quality in Herbal Medicinal Products - Authority's perspective and industry's experiences
Experts from national competent authorities speak about the current developments with regard to e.g. the revision of guidelines (GACP, Variation Regulation, Variation Classification Guideline), the changes of procedures and corresponding chances (MRP/DCP), and the use and impact of new evaluation methods (Real World Data). The authority's prespective is complemented by industry's experiences.
- The Pharma-Package
- MRP/DCP: An overview and outlook
- EFSA/ECHA: "One substance, one assessment"
- Revision "Variation Regulation" and "Variation Classification Guideline"
- Revised GACP Guideline
- Use and "impact" of Real Word Data
Veranstaltungs-Code | FB24-522381-61077370 |
Bildungsziel der Schulung:
Dealing with herbal medicinal products poses many challenges related to quality.
Experts from different national competent authorities speak about the current developments with regard to e.g. the revision of guidelines (GACP, Variation Regulation, Variation Classification Guideline), the changes of procedures and corresponding chances (MRP/DCP), and the use and impact of new evaluation methods (Real World Data). The authority's prespective is complemented by industry's experiences.
This conference will leave you with a better understanding of national competent authorities' current understanding of quality and upcoming trends related to quality.
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