G2/21 - Plausibility and Now?
This online course deals with the impact of G2/21 on plausibility and shall enable participants to reduce exposure to G2/21 challenges.
- G2/21: guidance on when a technical effect demonstrated by post-filed data can be taken into account
- Structured toolbox for mastering technical effect
- Drafting tips for patent applications with reduced exposure to G2/21 challenges
- Updates on how G2/21 has been applied so far
- Workshop: insight into what G2/21 could mean for practice
Veranstaltungs-Code | FB24-479027-61077217 |
Bildungsziel der Schulung:
A doctrine of plausibility has been adopted by some patent offices, including the EPO, under which post-filed data that supports
the existence of a technical effect is only evaluated where the application as originally filed renders the effect plausible.
This online course will turn on the issue of when a technical effect demonstrated by post filed data can be taken into account.
An issue underlying the doctrine of plausibility is the extent to which the technical effect should be supported by the
application as filed for any post filed evidence to be considered. There is a relationship between the role of a technical
effect in protecting inventions and the level of disclosure of the technical effect that must be given in the application as filed.
The course will explore how this relationship has shaped outcomes in various cases and led to the referral to the EPO's Enlarged
Board of Appeal before we turn to the EBA's guidance in G2/21. It seems to be common ground that G2/21 has not (yet) made the
EPO practitioner's life easier. The abstractness of the criteria set forth by the EBA requires due consideration. We will also be exploring how the Board of Appeal and Opposition divisions have applied G2/21 thus far. We will re-engineer a number of past cases and their outcomes against the guidance given in G2/21.
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