IP Risk Management
This online course is about techniques and tools for IP risk mitigation. Attendees will learn how to set up a proper IP risk management process.
- Get to know the typical IP related risks
- The psychology of IP risk management
- Implementation of an IP risk management process
- Finding IP risk mitigation solutions
- IP risk register
- Talking about IP risks to key stakeholders
Veranstaltungs-Code | FB24-377954-61077223 |
Bildungsziel der Schulung:
In a VUCA world (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity & Ambiguity), handling intellectual property means also managing IP risks. These risks can relate to patents, trade secrets, soft IP and open source software.
Attend this online course and learn how to set up a proper IP risk management process. You will also be taught IP risk mitigation techniques.
Our experienced speaker will show you tools as the IP risk register or the IP risk heatmap. Case studies will help you tackle future IP risk management challenges.
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